《英雄无敌6》首周销售破十万 总部致信感谢
《魔法门之英雄无敌6》在国内是英雄由百游来代理,近日,无敌百游公布了最新销售成绩,首周在发售首周突破十万套,销售为此,破万法国育碧总部发来贺电,总部致信致信感谢中国玩家对《英雄无敌6》的感谢大力支持,本次《英雄无敌6》的英雄成绩超越了其前代作品在中国的发售成绩。 法国育碧公司致玩家信原文: To our treasured Chinese fans,无敌16 years of adventure and epic conflict have passed since thefirst Heroes of Might & Magic game was humbly offered to the world. We have just launched the 6th game in the Might & Magic Heroes saga, taking into consideration the thousands of magicalexpectations of its millions of mighty followers. Thank you faithful fans of an exemplary and enthusiastic gaming community. We are proud to present to you the best Heroes ever. On October 13th, 2011, Might & Magic: Heroes VI, developed by Black Hole, was successfully released world-wide. The game was sent “simship” in China for the first time, and we were thrilled to discover that its first week of sales have exceeded 100,000 units. This is the best sales performance for the Heroes saga in Chinese history. Over the past week, we have noticed numerous Chinese players in the Conflux network, and we are impressed by their enthusiasm, fair play, expertise and devotion to the game we have been building with such passionate care. It is a wonderful surprise for us that Heroes VI is doing so well in the Chinese PC game market, and it has motivated us to bring many more great games to Chinese players in the future. Hail to you, Heroes fans! True heroes one and all! Heroes 6 Producer, Ubisoft 中文翻译: 致亲爱的中国玩家 英雄无敌系烈产品自问世以来,前后已经有六代,首周拥有16年的销售悠久历史,在全世界范围内拥有广泛的破万玩家,是总部致信一款世界知名的策略游戏,它带给了无数玩家长久的感谢回味和欢乐。 2011年10月,英雄由黑洞工作室研发的英雄无敌第六代于10月13日进行了全球同步首发,中文版本也在中国同步上市,令人兴奋的是英雄无敌6在中国的发售量一周内已经超过10万套,这一成绩已经超越其前代作品在中国的发售成绩。 在全球战网中,我们看到来自中国的玩家占了相当大的比例,他们非常了解游戏,他们热情且执着,这些热爱英雄无敌游戏的玩家让我们深深的感动。 在pc游戏低迷的中国市场,英雄无敌6这次取得的成绩让我们吃惊,同时也给了我们更多的信心,未来我们会努力将更多更好的作品带到中国,带给中国玩家。 向中国玩家致敬 育碧 英6开发团队
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