十月,十月这意味着我们正式进入第四季度而且在这个季度里将有大量的多种单机大作游戏发行。 有使命召唤:黑色行动,游戏寓言三,十月辐射:新维加斯 ... 此外,多种单机大作 奴役:奥德赛西游,游戏恶魔城:暗影之王,十月荣誉勋章,多种单机大作等等更多。游戏 在这里,十月我们刚才讨论的多种单机大作还仅仅只是说新出的游戏,这还不包括像 龙腾世纪:起源 和 边疆等的游戏GOTY包。 相信我们,十月无论你对这个季度的多种单机大作游戏如何思考,你都会有意想不到的游戏收获,有许多大家已经遗忘了的游戏又将展示出来。 What's everyone playing before the gaming deluge? Andrew Yoon: [Counting pennies.] Ben Gilbert :Trying to figure out what went wrong with Armageddon in Darksiders, continuing to put off the Halo: Reach campaign in favor of multiplayer (I'm so ashamed!), and thinking about how stupid it is that Civ 5 isn't available through OnLive. Chris Buffa: Now that I finished the Halo: Reach campaign, it's time to enjoy some Firefight. Next up ... Alan Wake, Castlevania, NBA 2K11 and Enslaved. Ah yes ... NBA Jam next week! Christopher Grant: Though I've been away for the last two weeks or so, this weekend holds little gaming time for me. So I'm up at 6am trying to finish Halo Reach! David Hinkle: I'll be leading a nigh-endless train of survivors back to the safe room in Dead Rising 2 for all of that delicious, delicious PP! Yeah, I said it -- I love PP. Griffin McElroy: All I seem to want to play as of late is Tomba on the PS1, which I don't own. That's weird, right? I think an outing to the local used game stores is in order. JC Fletcher: I'm going to finally complete Ace Attorney Investigations so I can feel okay about buying Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. Justin McElroy : [Counting quarters] Ludwig Kietzmann: [Counting ... um, whatever his economy is based on.] Mike Schramm: Still playing Halo: Reach multiplayer, and trying to finish Alan Wake and Darksiders. Randy Nelson So much Halo: Reach. So much. Oh, and riding shotgun for my lady friend through Enslaved. Richard Mitchell Wrapping up the last chapter of Austin, Texas Vacation, which is entitled "Eat good food." Then it's time for the epilogue DLC "Get in the car and drive for eight hours." After that I might play some Metroid: Other M, but only so I can pretend it's Lords of Shadow.
Alexander Sliwinski: Civilization 5 and Reach, likely. Been itching to go back and play a little Tropico 3 again.
James Ransom-Wiley: Is this the weekend I take the Minecraft plunge?
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