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 《辐射3》(Fallout 3) (Bethesda Softworks for PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
 《战役机器2》(Gears of War 2) (Epic Games/Microsoft Game Studios for Xbox 360)
 《小小大年夜星球》(LittleBigPlanet) (Media Molecule/Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 3)
 《镜之边沿》(Mirrors Edge) (DICE/Electronic Arts for PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
 《孢子》(Spore) (Maxis/EA for PC)

 《花》(Flower) (ThatGameCompany/Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 3)
 《保存之旅》(Left 4 Dead) (Valve for PC, Xbox 360)
 《小小大年夜星球》(LittleBigPlanet) (Media Molecule/Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 3)
 《镜之边沿》(Mirrors Edge) (DICE/Electronic Arts for PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
 《孢子》(Spore) (Maxis/EA for PC)

 《龙之光阴:收源》(Dragon Age: Origins) (BioWare/EA for PC)
 《保存之旅》(Left 4 Dead) (Valve/EAP for PC)
 《孢子》(Spore) (Maxis/EA for PC)
 《战锤40K:战役拂晓2》(Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War II) (Relic/THQ for PC)
 《战锤正在线》(Warhammer Online) (EA Mythic/EA for PC)

 《辐射3》(Fallout 3) (Bethesda Softworks for PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
 《战役机器2》(Gears of War 2) (Epic Games/Microsoft Game Studios for Xbox 360)
 《小小大年夜星球》(LittleBigPlanet) (Media Molecule/Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 3)
 《周齐对抗2》(Resistance 2) (Insomniac Games/Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 3)
 《逝世化危急5》(Resident Evil 5) (Capcom for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)

 《恶魔乡:圣教稀令》(Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia) (Konami for Nintendo DS)
 《时空之轮 DS》(Chrono Trigger DS) (Square-Enix for Nintendo DS)
 《益智之迷:银河大年夜战》(Puzzle Quest: Galactrix) (D3Publisher, Nintendo DS, PC, Xbox 360)
 《抵当:奖奖》(Resistance: Retribution) (Bend Studio/Sony Computer Entertainment for PSP)
 《节拍天国》(Rhythm Heaven) (Nintendo for Nintendo DS)

 《白唇下歌》(Lips Microphone) (Microsoft for Xbox 360)
 《摇滚乐团2 ION套拆》(Rock Band 2 Ion "Drum Rocker" Set) (ION Audio/MTV Games for Xbox 360)
 Wii MotionPlus (Nintendo for Wii)

 《孤岛惊魂2》(Far Cry 2) (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft for PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
 《战役机器2》(Gears of War 2) (Epic Games/Microsoft Game Studios for Xbox 360)
 《保存之旅》(Left 4 Dead) (Valve/EA for PC, Xbox 360)
 《镜之边沿》(Mirrors Edge) (DICE/Electronic Arts for PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
 《周齐对抗2》(Resistance 2) (Insomniac Games/Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 3)

 《灭亡空间》(Dead Space) (EA Redwood Shores/EA for PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
 《波斯王子》(Prince of Persia) (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
 《逝世化危急5》(Resident Evil 5) (Capcom for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
 《星球大年夜战:本力开释》(Star Wars: The Force Unleashed) (LucasArts for PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360)
 《古墓丽影:天去天下》(Tomb Raider: Underworld) (Crystal Dynamics/Eidos for PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)

 《时空之轮 DS》(Chrono Trigger DS) (Square-Enix for Nintendo DS)
 《龙之光阴:收源》(Dragon Age: Origins) (BioWare/EA for PC)
 《神鬼寓止 2》(Fable 2) (Lionhead/Microsoft Game Studios for Xbox 360)
 《辐射3》(Fallout 3) (Bethesda Softworks for PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
 《索僧克历代记:暗中兄弟会》(Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood) (BioWare/Sega for Nintendo DS)

 《号令与降服:红色鉴戒3》(Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3) (EALA/EA for PC, Xbox 360)
 《帝国:周齐战役》(Empire: Total War) (Creative Assembly/Sega for PC)
 (光晕战役)(Halo Wars) (Ensemble Studios/Microsoft Game Studios for Xbox 360)
 《汤姆克兰西之闭幕战役》(Tom Clancys EndWar) (Ubisoft Shanghai/Ubisoft for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
 《战锤40K:战役拂晓2》(Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War II) (Relic/THQ for PC)

 《下减越家》(Baja: Edge of Control) (2XL Games/THQ for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
 《湾岸半夜俱乐部:洛杉矶》(Midnight Club: Los Angeles) (Rockstar San Diego/Rockstar Games for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
 《摩托风暴2:启仄洋裂缝》(MotorStorm: Pacific Rift) (Evolution Studios/Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 3)
 《杂粹越家》(Pure) (Black Rock/Disney Interactive Studios for PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)

 《真人快挨VS DC漫绘豪杰》(Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe) (Midway Chicago/Midway for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3)
 《刀魂4》(Soulcalibur IV) (Namco-Bandai Games for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
 《街头霸王4》(Street Fighter IV) (Capcom for Arcade)
 《超等街头霸王2 Turbo 下浑异化版》(Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix) (Capcom for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)

 《劲爆好式橄榄球09》(Madden NFL 09) (Tiburon/EA for All Systems)
 《NBA Live 09》(NBA Live 09) (EA Canada/EA for All Plaforms)
 《肖恩怀特滑雪》(Shaun White Snowboarding) (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft for All Systems)
 《滑板》(Skate It) (EA Black Box/EA for Nintendo Wii)
 《泰戈伍兹下我妇PGA巡回赛2009》(Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 09) (Tiburon/EA Sports for PC, PS3, Wii, Xbox 360)

 《凶他豪杰:天下巡演》(Guitar Hero World Tour) (Neversoft/Red Octane/ATVI for All Systems)
 《乐下蝙蝠侠》(Lego Batman: The Videogame) (Travelers Tales/Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
 《小小大年夜星球》(LittleBigPlanet) (Media Molecule/Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 3)
 《摇滚乐队2》(Rock Band 2) (Harmonix/MTV Games/EAP for All Systems)
 《Wii体育度假》(Wii Sports Resort) (Nintendo for Wii)

 《战役机器2》(Gears of War 2) (Epic Games/Microsoft Game Studios for Xbox 360)
 《保存之旅》(Left 4 Dead) (Valve/EAP for PC)
 《小小大年夜星球》(LittleBigPlanet) (Media Molecule/Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 3)
 《周齐对抗2》(Resistance 2) (Insomniac Games/Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 3)
 《摇滚乐队2》(Rock Band 2) (Harmonix/MTV Games/EAP for All Systems)

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