在最新的暴雪暗黑破坏神3官方蓝贴中,暴雪解释了有关物品绑定的官方关物一些问题,下面让我们来看看暴雪的解释说法吧: 我们正计划着制作一些物品是可以绑定到游戏人物身上的暗黑破坏神3。 因此,暗黑在一开始,破坏品绑并非所有物品,定问甚至在某一品级之下的暴雪装备都不会被绑定。 仅仅这一点,官方关物我认为我们应该重视物品绑定这件事。解释 另外,暗黑事先说明,破坏品绑我只知道这个系统很大一部分仍然处于概念性状态,定问还有很多细节没有最终确定下来。暴雪 对付装备绑定,官方关物当代这种想法是解释只适用于一些可称为“游戏终结者”的特别的高品质的装备。 固然,那些物品不会在你捡起它们的时候就绑定,除了是那些任务物品和其他角色特别的装备之外,因为那些物品是不允许随处生意业务的。固然,将会有可绑定的装备,你可以拾取它们,如果你不想要它,你可以将它用于生意业务,或者将它给你的另外一个角色,也可以给你的朋友,甚至可以摆摊出售,你可以任意处理它。不过,如果你使用了该装备的话,那么它就是只属于你的了暗黑破坏神3。 为什么打造这个体系,是因为我们必要有一个能够保持游戏内经济平衡的方法。随着物品生意业务系统的成熟,物品的潜在价值不停增加,那么将造成没有办法去控制物品价格的情况出现。可能一件装备在游戏中4至5年内都是属于很稀有的,不过随着该物品数量的增多,他们的价值将会和他们的稀有度孕育发生不匹配的现象。当金币贬值之后,我们就会走进我们很熟悉的一种循环之中(乔丹之石),这是我们不想见到的。不过游戏中玩家能赚取的黄金数量是恒定的或者很有可能会增加,因为玩家数量之后可以刷钱,而游戏中花费金币的地方不多,这样就造成了金币贬值。 原文: we are planning to have some amount of items that will bind to a character upon equipping them. We absolutely won’t have items that bind when picked up, except for the obvious things like quest items and other character-specific items that wouldn’t/shouldn’t be tradable anyway. That alone, I think, should dissuade the most severe concerns with binding items. And before I go on just understand that while a lot of this is very stable in its concepts, the details aren’t final. For Bind on Equip (BoE), the idea right now is that it would only be applied to “end game” items of specific quality levels. So to start, it’s not every item, and it’s not even every item above a certain level. For the BoE items that will exist, you can pick them up, if you don’t want it you can still trade it, or give it to another character, a friend, vendor it, whatever you like. But, if you make the commitment to keeping the item and equipping it, yes, it’s yours now. The reasoning is that in reality we need a solid way to keep the economy stable at the end game. With items building up over a potentially infinite amount of time there’s no way to have any measure of control over worth of items. While an item may be the rarest and best in the game, over four or five years a stockpile has built up and those items are now commonplace and hold little value as compared to their rarity. The gold being earned by players stays the same or likely increases as players become more proficient at playing the game while they spend less as items lose their value. Gold value drops, and we’re skirting into a familiar cycle.
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